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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Interested in starting a Blog Shop? Read here for some tips! (Very in depth-VIP)

A lot of people are now starting something we call Blog Shop. At my country, during this 1 week holiday. I have seen some of my friends selling some items on blogs. Some don't though. I have one friend selling custom made fingerboards. Some of them selling accessories. 

There is also a sharp increase in the number of Blog Shoppers, and blog shops. However, with so many blog shops competing with one another, it is quite hard to get your blog shop noticed. Especially if you are competing with around the world. For us, our country is considerably small, so delivery island wide is possible. What about other countries? So here are some tips for setting up a blog shop.

1. First and foremost, you MUST have the commitment before you even think of starting a blog shop.
Having the commitment to start a blog shop is a must. So you will have the willingness to continue. Most blog shops fail to see this point and this has resulted some people to discontinue their shop as they: 

  • Found it meaningless to have a shop if there are no people buying.
  • Cannot keep up with studies and work.
  • Stressful to keep up with orders.
  • No one is even visiting your blog shop
  • They are bored and cannot wait
These are one of the few conditions that causes blog shops to fail. I myself intend not to start a blog shop but may intend to go into affiliate marketing (Maybe). So commitment is important to keep a blog going

2. Make sure your blog is navigable, and the theme is suitable for your blog shop.
Ever heard of first impression? Another important aspect of attracting visitors, having a good organized blog keeps your visitors or buyers browsing through your contents. A few widgets to help with that. Saw my contents page? Click Here.
This is a good way to categorize your post with labels, known as accordation menu, or accordion if you would prefer. This may require you to go into the murky world of HTML codes. However, it would be worth the results. 
As for the template, having one like mine would be ideal. As it gives a thumbnail of your products with a summary text and a read more button. My template is a fully SEO optimized template, designed for easier viewing and fast load time. Blogger itself is already a SEO optimized service itself, it is up to you on how to maximize it. For more information on how to optimize your website to the fullest, visit here: Click Here

3.Sell unique products
Well, on my country, more than 90% of the blog shop sells, clothes, apparels accessories as such. (Only my friend who made the difference of selling custom made fingerboards and it is quite trendy nowadays...) Uniqueness is what separates you from the world of blog sphere, at the same time it also rules out competition. Giving you a high chance of succeeding. 

4. Product thumbnails and description
"Super grippy and good pacing . Great for flip tricks and accuracy . Free Stickers !
10 SGD for 4 tapes."

Singaporean only: Visit Jewel3ox fingerboards (remember when placing orders, please tell him the my blog name and say it is from his friend IMPORTANT.)

This is an example of a product thumbnail and description. 
Provide these useful information and at the same time keep them short and sweet:
-Product information
-How does it work
-If it is dressing or apparels, which size would you have the most stock of.
-Accessory wise, provide some information like, where are they made of. Having big country names such as Japan adds quality to the product. (If it is china it will probably shun users away :D)

5. Mailing List (Or better known as subscriber feed)
Have a list to keep users updated on when more stock is going to come or are you adding more products?

6. Create forms for user to place orders
You can't possibly place your email on your blog, you will risk getting spammed by users! A better safer way is to use EMS (Email me form) May require you to go into coding a little but it is worth it. It also has a captcha system to stop spam.

7.Keep to the subject of your blog. (Very Important)
The most important thing is probably to keep to the subject of your blog. Like my blog is more of giving blogging tips and some other technical tutorials. Sometimes like premium accounts is just to fill in the space :) Anyway back to topic, keeping to the subject of your blog is important. So your buyers will know what to expect from you. (Don't forget, you are not starting a department store, you are starting a blog shop)

8.Disclaimers, feedbacks, Terms and conditions, and privacy policy.
Such things are important. You may only be starting a small blog shop, but so long it is anything involving money, you cannot afford to make any miscommunication. This will make your customers and buyers lose trust in your service and if they start gossiping, you may as well close down your shop. So want me to explain in depth on Disclaimers, and TOC and privacy policy? I will post it after this. Now feedbacks are something to improve your quality of service and by making adjustments to your customers ways. You may start seeing more traffic and buyers!

9. Use safe payment processor
For Singapore, most of it might be through meet-up or self-service and payments made mostly in cash. However, as you business expands, might be a good idea to start using electronic transactions. For example, Paypal. They support transaction for POSB, UOB as such for our country. This can also make your customers feel safe when purchasing goods and won't allow anyone to hijack their information.

10. A partner
A partner to help with delivery of goods maybe? or maybe someone who can help you maintain his/her blog shop in exchange for a share of the revenue? As your business expands, you might require all these in order to keep up with the quality standards when it comes to sales.

Now I know this is way too long and I am going to categorize it under Blog Shop. Want to know more? Wait and find out!
Next extension of this post is ready: Click Here
(This post is also inspired by him)
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