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Saturday, 17 March 2012

8 ways to promote your Blog !

Attracting visitors to your blog is not too hard,  other than just providing good content, you will also need to promote it if you would like to attract visitors to your blog. So here are some useful ways of attracting readers. (8 ways to be exact)

1. Linking to other post:
What does does imply? It means that finding a similar post of yours, from another blog and request them to leave your post link under their post in exchange for your post link to be visible under their post. This is a great way of promoting your post to other users who might want to know more about the particular subject your are writing about. At the same time, this method raises the visibility of your blog.

2. Social Networking
This seems like to be the most obvious way of promoting your blog. But relatively hard as well, for one thing, your readers might not be too keen on promoting for you. The best way is through creating a Facebook page and let the followers to help spread the word of your blog to other people. Again, not all followers might be too keen on doing so, but it is a great way of bringing traffic and interested readers into your blog post.

3. Social Bookmarking (Digg, StumbleUpon)
Digg and StumbleUpon are two great places to submit your articles to. However be warned of a few things when doing so. Is that you will add unique and interesting articles to these two sites, especially Digg which allows comments and ratings. When you submit every single little article you have to them. Some people may consider this as spamming and you could be flamed. StumbleUpon do not allow comments so you won't risk too much of getting flamed or defamed on your content, still be careful though, you don't want to lose readers (Not at this stage).

4. Internalize your links
Having links for related post links within a post helps by increasing page views and can help with SEO. There are some useful widgets for bloggers such as random post, popular post and latest post will help increase your page views.

5.Email Newsletters
Have a good list of emails? You can spread your latest updates by blasting an email to all your subscribed list!

6.Comment on other blogs/ forums!
Leave a relevant and useful comment on blogs and forums. This can be useful and can increase the visibility of your links and driving traffic into your blog post. This method can also increase your SEO.

7. Follow-up Post
Follow-up post means that you continued from where you first started off from that particular topic. Useful in a sense that you will be able to not only provide useful and more insightful information on that particular topic, but by providing internal links to your relevant post (Stated in No. 4) you can increase your page views as well.

8. Advertising
Let just say you have just done a very good post that your extremely proud of and you think it deserve more attention and money to promote that particular post, you can submit your link to AdWords or StumbleUpon mini ads to promote it.
If you want to promote for free, you can try a manual traffic exchange - Click Here  
Traffic Exchange are something for you to exchange your traffic by visiting the other persons website and they will visit your as well. Useful method for gaining traffic, (With some effort) for free if you have the spare time everyday.

Hope you enjoy this post and what do you think of it? Have you tried traffic exchange? What are your personal thoughts? Share them here!
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