So long... I think I can be the next author of the dummies book, on Blog Shop A-Z. ^^
An extension of my previous post, over here, I am going to continue on Blog Shop!
11. In depth on Disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition
You often see them, but what do they mean? These are meant to prevent you from 3 things:
- Miscommunication
- Prevent you from getting into legal trouble
- Ensure safety among your customers.
Like my blog, you can see some Disclaimers and DMCA. This is to protect me from getting into any legal trouble that I don't need. (I am already having trouble with A.maths...)
These terms place trust among your customers and security with their information. Let us break it down to you:
They are there to ensure that you will not get into any legal trouble, but normally this is to prevent miscommunication. Here is a snippet of my disclaimer:
"We give no warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for any misuse of the software or information. "
This is mainly used to prevent miscommunication or some falsification in your post.
-Privacy Policy
Privacy policy, this term itself is self-explanatory. Meaning that how will you handle you customers or buyers information. Will you ensure that their information will be secure? Some things such as address are not to be something for you to reveal.
-Terms and Conditions
Probably the most important thing you will have to have if you are thinking of starting a business. This will prevent you from getting into any legal trouble. Like "acceptance of use" that sort of thing. So it will be good to think it through this first before you even start you sell your items.
12. Allow something we call review products
Review products can be something like podcast or audio or even a testimonial (A podcast or audio will be a little more realistic). This will allow your customers to give their review in exchange for a cheaper price or even a free product. Very useful and if the customers are truly satisfied, they might even help to spread the word for you! An investment I'll say.
13. Consider to have a .Com domain instead of a sub domain ".blogspot " or ".livejournal."
This is also considered as a part of SEO. Search engines tend to rank your blog shop higher when you have your own domain instead of a sub domain. What's more, it will also give people the impression that your blog shop is doing well to be able to afford a domain. (Although the domain is cheap on blogger, $10 per year)
14. Run Google Ads (Something more of a bonus :D, although not recommended)
Google ads, as you might know, are something to boost your income, although I have tried applying for it, it was denied due to insufficient content (Don't see why, during my submission I have up to 60 over post). Displaying Google Ads is one thing, however some blogshops are quite reluctant to have ads due to the loss of SEO. (This is true) Having ads equals to having tons of links to other website and might cause search engines to rank you down. Having too much ads directs attention away (However, Google ads restrict you to have only 3 ads per page) Most blog shops that DO run ads, but kept to maximum 1 per page.
15.Avoid Copyright infringement ( VERY IMPORTANT)
Now this is EXTREMELY important. Copyright infringement can cause your entire shop to collapse if they decide to carry out their legal threats. Which is why you see that my blog has a DMCA. For pictures, since you are using it for commercial purpose, stockphotos will not be of much use, you WILL have to supply your own photos. Modelling for clothes or accessories will have to be you, your family, friends or whoever. Avoid claiming that the product you sell is yours, include the supplier name and the company that produces that product.
That's all for this post for this series, might have more. So look forward to it!