Password protection. Sounds easy? It isn't actually, thousands of people even people in the government (or at least our government) have fallen prey to hackers when they have their passwords compromised. No matter how protective and strong password yours are, as long as the hackers are determined enough, your password is basically like candy from a baby. An example of that is phishing.
Passwords normally are masked by encryption. Normally they are masked or cloaked by MD5 harsh, or sometimes SHA1 harsh (Those who were referred from my Youtube video on V97 Maplesea private server tutorial; v88 gms Part 1 [HD] should know what it means.)
The MySQL server uses SHA 1 or MD 5 Harsh to encrypt passwords. MySQL is also where all of your passwords, accounts are stored. Which is why WebMasters also have the responsibility to ensure that their database remained secure and safe. Read Here on the recent compromise of 13 Million password and accounts and all leaked information. This company name is all the die hard maplestory fans should know this: Nexon.
Click Here for a brief information
Here are some methods people use to crack passwords:
The most basic method and easiest also:
Brute-Force attack
- Brute Force Attack, uses a "Guess And Check" method. Depending on the length of the password and the use of special characters. (Let's assume your password is 8 characters) It will take:
- If your password are only numerics (10 minutes)
- If your password are just letters (25 minutes)
- Combination of both numerics and letters (40-60 minutes)
- Numerics + Special Characters (20-35 minutes)
- Letters + Specials Characters (45- 70 minutes)
- All three combinations (80-120 minutes)
- Should take no more than 20 minutes to crack if it is a single word that can be found in the dictionary. Number of letters does not affect the time needed to crack. The number of words IN THE DICTIONARY does.
The most complicated way of hacking, however it can be used to crack MD5 harsh and SHA1 harsh. Hackers can revert the MD5 harsh information inputed by people into the username and password column and transfer it via a connection network. This is very hard as it require a lot of knowledge to hijack into a server. (This only applies to huge company networks such as Google) Otherwise there is a easier way to do it which is to revert and breaking it down.
Phishing is a very common method of stealing passwords. Make sure you check your URL carefully, and look out for this sign. Let's take Gmail for example:
Difference in website:
Compare this:
With this:
Which is genuine?
To be continued....