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Monday 30 July 2012

What are DM's? Twitter Series #5

Hello, welcome to the next part of the twitter series What is DM. We will also be talking about Auto-DM and the pro and cons of it.

What is DM?
For all those who have already signed up on twitter, you should know that DM stands for direct messages. It means that it is a private message that only you and the one you are trying to message can see. Please note, you can only direct message those people whom have followed you.

Now, some people might have noticed something called auto DM. As the name implies, auto dm means that they have set the message that they will send to you once you followed them.

Here are some pros and cons of them:

Prompt Response: Let just say you would like to send a welcome message to your followers to thank them for following you. It can also be the case of promoting your own website or blog. Quite useful in a sense if you would want to safe time by not tweeting the same direct message to all your new twitter followers at once.

Time Saving: As said before, you will be able to safe time by not tweeting the same direct message to all your new twitter followers. It can also help build readership and web traffic.

You look pretty lazy: This is exactly the idea you will give people. By not spending time interacting with people and instead send out an automated robot to "communicate" with your new followers will make people think you are lazy.

Lifeless Interaction: How would you feel if you come to a customer service area and they will play a robotic pre-recorded sound "Good Morning what would you need help with" you will answer to it then a real person will then come to address you. Doesn't sound very good does it? Same goes to twitter, it is all about being social and personal conversation. Since a direct message is suppose to be a personal conversation, why tweet the same thing to anyone and everyone?

People will hate you and unfollow you:
Why? Because large amount of people uses auto DM to spam their new followers. If that happens what will be your first and foremost reaction? Unfollow that person because there will be a good chance that the person will continue to spam you.

Auto DM's are useful if you use them to send out of QUALITY to your followers rather than ASKING and EXPECTING them to do something like checking out their website.

You can also find Kyle Lacey's Auto DM petition sign up right here:

Click Here to sign up for his petition.

Look out for our next Twitter series post which will be updated every Monday! Subscribe to us to be the first to read our next twitter series post!
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