Hello to all readers, we are now adjusting to the way we post our articles now. As you might know we are not posting as regularly as before as we are pacing ourselves so that our blog can last longer, however you can expect at least one post based on informative stuff. Here are some preview of our upcoming post:
WordPress Premium Themes:
Themeforest - About 5 of them prepared. Available in June
First Upload of themeforest theme: U-Design theme
ThemeJunkie - 2 prepared, ready by June
First upload: Black-light Theme
More e-books coming your way, we have already prepared 5 for you, first one will be available in May 1st.
Twitter Series: My first time attempting to do a series, I have already done up 5 of them. Available in July.
20 over post prepared before hand to last you for at least 5 months with more being done up in the process.
We have also prepared some software which will be posted monthly.
With these adjustments, we will ensure that our blog will last at least a whole year and also ensure that you will have a quality time browsing our site.
We will also post more premium accounts and proxy whenever we have the time to do so.
EDIT: I will be away for the next 5 days (not vacation) but I have prepared something for you during the days I'm away, after that I will be busy with my school work so I couldn't update it as regular, but I have already scheduled my post so it shouldn't be a problem. Occasionally I will bring back my older post to the first.
EDIT: I will be away for the next 5 days (not vacation) but I have prepared something for you during the days I'm away, after that I will be busy with my school work so I couldn't update it as regular, but I have already scheduled my post so it shouldn't be a problem. Occasionally I will bring back my older post to the first.
Subscribe to us for more updates and share our blog with everyone, we will appreciate it. Thank you for the time taken to read this.