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Monday, 16 April 2012

Adsense Black-Hat Method E-book

What is the difference between Black-Hat and White Hat


Black hat are methods that are used to increase their site ranking much faster than white hat. 
It also involves breaking a search engine site rules and regulations as it is also unethical to do so.
These tricks do work however be warned that you will be banned.

Black Hat methods normally consist of: 

Invisible text: 
Webmaster add them to their web pages to allow search engines to index your pages. A like keyword stuffing, except they are on web page. Later you will see why Black hat SEO use this method compared to keyword stuffing.

Keyword Stuffing:
Keyword stuffing are stuffing keywords into your site meta keywords page. This method does not work anymore as if found out by search engines that you are stuffing or spamming keywords, they will automatically bring down your site ranking from 100-100000. Which is why it is important to check your keyword density at all times

Doorway pages:
These are pages that viewers or users of the public will not get to visit. It is purely for search engine bot spider crawling purposes. This will attempt to trick the spiders into indexing them on a higher rank.

White Hat are ethical ways of allowing the search engines to index your pages higher. These normally involve practice and some theory work on how it is done.

This should give you a general idea on what is Black-Hat. Now let's go into Google AdSense, earning money with black-hat methods the smart way.

This e-book talks about how a person whom is a Singaporean (I am too) uses a black-hat method to trick Adsense to display relevant ads or irrelevant ads on his website without being caught by search engines. However, you will not find this e-book in the market anymore (you can probably guess why). So hope you will have a good time reading and I absolutely insist that everyone reads it. Especially if you want to earn some good money with Adsense. This method will also (indirectly) increase your rank of your website. (As you will see why in the book) 

Hope you enjoy this and here are the download Links:

E-book: Click Here (Mediafire Link)
Password: Click Here

If you would like to have the password for free, be one of our subscribers, +1 us on Google and comment below. We will email you the password. 

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