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Thursday, 12 April 2012

Access all sorts of PC (Windows) without password! (Worth: $15.99)

Kon Boot boots from external media such as floppy, CD, or USB removable drives. When a PC running Windows is started with Kon Boot, the BIOS of the PC will then be hooked by Kon Boot.

After hooking the BIOS, Kon Boot will modify the Windows kernel to allow a user to bypass the step of Windows authentication procedure during Windows Logon. 

The changes made to the Windows kernel are temporary only. Rebooting the PC will restore the functionality of the Windows kernel and its corresponding authentication procedures.

So, just in case somehow I don't know how, you lost your password somewhere, you can use this tool to bypass the login page. You can either burn it to a CD or USB drive and boot it when windows start-up.

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