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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Having a unique blog can drive up visitors attention!

In this post it is all going to be about capturing people's attention! Sound simple? Not really of the case, if you would like to capture people's attention and let them stay with you, you have to be unique and today we will be talking about making your blog unique (yea just that I promise :D).

In order to make your blog unique, you can't just use the sort of template Blogger provides, those are more for personal bloggers! In fact some personal bloggers use customized template to express their feelings. Similarly, if you are doing a topical blog, you might want to choose a customized template that suits your blog's theme so when people visit your blog, they will be able to know what topic you will be talking about from one look of the template (Unless you choose template that belong to the classification of clean and elegant, otherwise your blog should have some nice colors to present to your audience.) From today onward, you can start to expect me posting some very nice and beautiful template that are... from WordPress. But don't worry, there are a lot of nice templates out there for you to choose from.

There is also something called audience retention, this means how long your audience stay on your blog.  Please also know that your audience hate to wait. You practically have about 20 seconds to capture your audience attention, shown by a survey. This also includes the time it takes to load the site.

Another thing to add to your blog's uniqueness is none other than your header image, that is really what separates you from a brand to another. You can easily customize your header image using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, Fireworks, or Paint.net if you don't have either of these tools. Paint.net is free for download over here: Click Here

Just add some image if you would like and your blog's name together and it will look very good. Like my Twitter and Facebook profile page I have a profile picture that is designed in Adobe Fireworks. Some cool font and effects can really make your image stand out (Although I won't say mine is a very well done one...)

So in conclusion, having a good customized blog with your own blog name as your blog header, people can easily identify your blog! Not to mention the use of favicon. Favicon are icons that you find beside your blog's header title like the example below:
Title header image
That is called a favicon, a small little icon that will represent your blog. You can generate your own favicon over here: Click Here 
Of course you must have your own image use first in order to convert into a small little icon. But remember, when making the image, it is recommended that you try to make it small as if you do big image size design, the favicon picture might be a little blurry when you resize it.

That's all for this post, got any ideas to write for us? Drop us a note over here: Click Here
Just fill in the application form and I will review to see if it is suitable for use.

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