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Friday 30 November 2012

Who deleted you on Facebook?

"Hmm, lemme check my Facebook", I turned on my computer and check my profile page, "WTF? I lost one friend!!??", "But I have over 500 friends, how am I suppose to know who deleted me? Not like I can remember them all!!!".

Ever had such frustration? Where you have no idea who deleted you as friend but you have no idea at ALL as to who deleted you.

This website that I am going list below allow you to see who deleted you on Facebook as well as who added you as a friend recently.

Here is a photo of someone's else facebook account:

As for me luckily no one deleted me on Facebook (What a relieve). You can use this to track who deleted you and perhaps ask them why they deleted you?

Anyway, this is the website offering this service: Who Deleted Me?

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