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Friday 5 October 2012

What exactly is SEO?

Hello, this time I will be talking about SEO. I have posting a lot of information on how to improve SEO but never really got a chance to cover it. So I'll be doing it now.

SEO is Search Engine Optimization and as the name implies, it is the art and technique in order to make your blog/website optimized for search engines so that they will want to list your blog/website higher on their searches.

So how does Search Engine Optimization works?
Unfortunately there is no definite answer to this, as Google, Yahoo and bing keeps the algorithms to themselves. A lot of people have tried to SEO their website and failed, a lot more have tried and succeeded, but what is lacking in this success is that they don't know how the search engine manage to find certain post they made found more easier than the other. 

As you have seen on the picture above, this is a mind map in general on what people think that made their website successful, especially company sites. They made use of Social networks which would encourage link baiting (I will talk about this someday) which will drive demand into their product. By doing so, it will increase their site rank and improve visibility.

But those aren't part of SEO. These are just methods to increase visibility of your blog/website and some people count them as SEO. Fair enough, they do increase your link count and MIGHT increase your website rank but even so just by that it will not effect much.

SEO are categorized into 2 broad category:
- Off-Site SEO - Uncontrollable
- In-Site SEO - Controllable

Then they are further categorized into 2 more broad groups:
- Black Hat SEO
- White Hat SEO

All these will be discussed at later and I hope that this post gives you a general idea on what is SEO.

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