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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Balancing your Following and Follower Count Twitter #6

My 6th post for this Twitter series. Called balancing your following to your follower count. There is a reason for doing so. As you all know there is a limit that twitter can allow you to follow to those whom are your followers. This means that twitter has a limit to how much you can follow depending on the number of followers you have. If you have about 1000 followers, at most you can only follow about 1200-1300 people, depends.

This is important if you are a twitter marketer (In fact, all my twitter post so far have got something to do with it...) if you have a lot of followers, this will mean you will have more people that you will have to keep up with, without knowing whether they will even do business with you. Some of them are dead, long gone, some are spammers. These are the things you might want to clear off your radar. You are here to do business, not to keep spam contacts. This is why having a 1:1 ratio is important in not only keeping a relationship with your true followers, but also allow you to be able to organize your followers better.

Now ask yourself why would you want to follow people? In hopes that they will follow you back? Yes this is quite true, but at the same time, you might also want to follow people that are of your same niche. This way you can build up a relationship with your competitors and probably learn from each other. 

How to identify spam accounts that are following you:

As usual, you might want to filter these out, they are not going to help you in your business anyway so why clutter them in your list of followers?
It is easy to identify spam accounts, just look at the twitter account, see whether if they have an avatar, if they have, it is quite likely it is a personal account and even if they haven't sent out any tweets, you can be quite assured it is a real person. If that account follows a lot of people but no followers or tweets, it is quite likely it is a spam account using one of those get followers-fast system or setting up a fake identity.

You can easily block them, look at the illustration below on how to block. But of course I won't block this guy, he is genuine enough.

You can also report them for spam by clicking the option below block option. 
Simple enough? You can also further filter your followers list when you find that they don't add much value to your marketing efforts.

Look out for our next Twitter series post which will be updated every Monday! Subscribe to us to be the first to read our next twitter series post!
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