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Sunday, 30 December 2012

How to Remove Blogger's Navigation bar

Navigation for blogger

Why do you want to remove a navigation bar? This is a question I want to ask you. I mean it is okay to 'remove' it. But I would like to understand why. Anyway, you can comment your reasons later. Let's see why you should or should not remove it.

Why should you remove it?

It looks more like a website than just one blog. Useful for those who has custom domains, the very reason you will want a custom domain is mainly because you are writing about your profession, or perhaps you are doing a topical blog. 

How to remove it?

It is very simple to remove it. Follow this steps below:

1. Login to your blogger dashboard.

2. Click "Layout"

3. Click "Edit HTML"

Then add in this code bold below, and add it in the the portion exactly to the position where the red box is:
code to remove the nav bar
#navbar-iframe {display: none !important;}
Once you are done with that, preview it first to see if the nav bar is gone, at the same time this is to check to ensure that you didn't accidentally mess up the HTML code.

What happens when I want to restore it?

Very simple, just remove that piece of code and the nav bar should be back. It is just that easy to remove and get it back.

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Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Having a unique blog can drive up visitors attention!

In this post it is all going to be about capturing people's attention! Sound simple? Not really of the case, if you would like to capture people's attention and let them stay with you, you have to be unique and today we will be talking about making your blog unique (yea just that I promise :D).

In order to make your blog unique, you can't just use the sort of template Blogger provides, those are more for personal bloggers! In fact some personal bloggers use customized template to express their feelings. Similarly, if you are doing a topical blog, you might want to choose a customized template that suits your blog's theme so when people visit your blog, they will be able to know what topic you will be talking about from one look of the template (Unless you choose template that belong to the classification of clean and elegant, otherwise your blog should have some nice colors to present to your audience.) From today onward, you can start to expect me posting some very nice and beautiful template that are... from WordPress. But don't worry, there are a lot of nice templates out there for you to choose from.

There is also something called audience retention, this means how long your audience stay on your blog.  Please also know that your audience hate to wait. You practically have about 20 seconds to capture your audience attention, shown by a survey. This also includes the time it takes to load the site.

Another thing to add to your blog's uniqueness is none other than your header image, that is really what separates you from a brand to another. You can easily customize your header image using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, Fireworks, or Paint.net if you don't have either of these tools. Paint.net is free for download over here: Click Here

Just add some image if you would like and your blog's name together and it will look very good. Like my Twitter and Facebook profile page I have a profile picture that is designed in Adobe Fireworks. Some cool font and effects can really make your image stand out (Although I won't say mine is a very well done one...)

So in conclusion, having a good customized blog with your own blog name as your blog header, people can easily identify your blog! Not to mention the use of favicon. Favicon are icons that you find beside your blog's header title like the example below:
Title header image
That is called a favicon, a small little icon that will represent your blog. You can generate your own favicon over here: Click Here 
Of course you must have your own image use first in order to convert into a small little icon. But remember, when making the image, it is recommended that you try to make it small as if you do big image size design, the favicon picture might be a little blurry when you resize it.

That's all for this post, got any ideas to write for us? Drop us a note over here: Click Here
Just fill in the application form and I will review to see if it is suitable for use.

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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Disable startup programs on Windows 7

Do you think that there is just too many startup programs when you turn on your computer? Wish that they won't run and make them run later when you actually NEED them? Well, wish granted, it is very easy to disable some startup programs.

1. Go to the start menu and search for "msconfig"

2. Then this window should popout
msconfig system configuration menu
3. Now go to the startup tab and start to uncheck the boxes of programs that you don't want to startup and click apply, then ok.

4.After that it will prompt you to restart, you can choose not to restart as they are startup programs , so once you startup your computer again, these startup programs will not start until you manually start them.

Please beware that you know what you are doing when you are disabling services, some of these services are important to run a device or a program. If you disable them, you cannot start them by starting the program, you must manually re-enable the service through computer management. Won't touch on this now since it is not our main priority. Will go on to that the next time.

That's all for this post, if you have any queries please comment and I will see how I will be able to help you.

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Saturday, 15 December 2012

Blogger Trick: Embedding PDF files, Powerpoint slides and more into blogger

Have you always wanted to add in your own PDF or powerpoint document and embed it into blogger? Well now you can with Scribd! 
Look below for an example of a embedded document of Microsoft word (This is used for my recent school research on Vatican City) :
Vatican City

This is how you add your documents regardless whether they are word, pdf or powerpoint and even more. They would all work. 

First, create an account with Scribd: Click Here 
Next, upload one of your document, it can be any of them.
Once you are done, you should see this page, click on the document name and you should see this:
add powerpoint, pdf, word document into blogger

See the button which I boxed? Click on it and copy the embed doc into your blog HTML as shown below:
add powerpoint, pdf, word document into blogger
Embed Document

add powerpoint, pdf, word document into blogger
HTML code
After you have done that, you can preview on your blog and see if it works for you. Although it should work as this is a fluid-sized embed. Meaning it can expand and contract depending on your blog's layout or dimensions.

That's all for this post, comment if you have any doubts about it. Also, remember to like our facebook page or follow us on twitter or even subscribe to us to receive the latest updates of our blog. 

Some additional benefits of using this: There are a lot of people browsing Scribd for good reads. If your uploaded content has added a link back to your site and the readers likes them, they might want to visit your blog. This will result in an increase of views and visitors for your blog.


Monday, 10 December 2012

How to Check for your Website Speed?

Hello readers! Today I am going to show you how to check for your blog's loading speed. As you know, having a fast loading page can increase your Google search rankings. So, I am going to introduce to you an online tool that checks for your website speed.

Click Here to go to the page

Like this post? Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. You can also subscribe to us on Email to receive updates to your inbox. 


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Free .in Domain for you website!

This is a top level domain called .in. Which means you are registering for India's domain name.
Of course this will naturally mean that this will only be available to India only. Quite tragic..., but there is a way around it which I will show you later. This is provided to you for free for one year, if you would like to renew you will have to pay.

Why would you want to have a top-level domain? This would be explained in one of my tutorials later.

Features for joining them:
- You will get to build a highly professional website
- Free .in domain name and hosting for one year
- Free email address (That will be done using one of hostgator's email service
- If you are  living in india then you will get free Rs 2500(50$) to publish your website

1. First thing first, head to this website: Click Here
2. Next, click on 'Yes, I want my free website!' as shown below:

3. Next you will click on the big green button similar to something like the one above that says 'Create my free website now!'

4. Enter your website name and click 'check availability'.

5. Next, fill in your information, as stated before, they are only available to India only and the way to ensure that you are a Indian is by checking you Pan Number. Something like an identification number in India, your way to get around that is to look around here for a list of identity and Pan numbers you can use. 

6. All your information of your Username and Password would arrive by email.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Who deleted you on Facebook?

"Hmm, lemme check my Facebook", I turned on my computer and check my profile page, "WTF? I lost one friend!!??", "But I have over 500 friends, how am I suppose to know who deleted me? Not like I can remember them all!!!".

Ever had such frustration? Where you have no idea who deleted you as friend but you have no idea at ALL as to who deleted you.

This website that I am going list below allow you to see who deleted you on Facebook as well as who added you as a friend recently.

Here is a photo of someone's else facebook account:

As for me luckily no one deleted me on Facebook (What a relieve). You can use this to track who deleted you and perhaps ask them why they deleted you?

Anyway, this is the website offering this service: Who Deleted Me?

I hope you liked this post and subscribe to us to receive more awesome (Self-proclamation) post like this. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Speed up your uTorrent Download speed!

Today, I will be introducing to you a new software that claims to boost your utorrent speed, I've tried it myself and I can't really tell the difference but for other's they claim that it works.

So I may as well share this with all of you and you can leave your comments below telling me if it works for you.

This is a screenshot of the program, all you need to do really is just to download the application and install it. After installation, open the program and click on the accelerate button to immediately increase the speed of your utorrent download. Yes, that is all there is to it.

Here is the link: uTorrent Turbo booster

I hope you enjoy this post and remember to comment here telling us if you liked this software and if it works for you. Thank you and have a great day ahead.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Remove Facebook Timeline + New Chat feature. (Alternative Way)

Hello once again! This time I will present to you an alternative way of removing your Facebook timeline and the new chat.

This is a quick looong Social Reviver settings:

1. Remove Facebook timeline. This will allow you to view your profile page without the timeline however, your friends will view your profile in timeline mode.You can also choose if you want to see the Timeline or the old profile for pages and profiles individually.

2. Old Facebook Chat function: This will mean you can only see your online friends, however with this extension will have extra features including limiting your availability to certain people.

3.There is also another experimental feature that allows you to hide the 'seen' message that when you read it, they will not know about it. However as stated this is an experimental feature and may not work as intended.

4. Stick the blue bar on top: So when you scroll down, the blue bar stick on the top. But this is useless now that Facebook has already implemented this feature already.

For Google Chrome Users, download it from here: SocialReviver

NOTE: There have recently been complains on copies of the extension so beware if you see multiple extension that performs the same action. It can be an act of phishing.
You can read about it here: Socialreviver Beware of copies

Enjoy and surf Facebook safely without phishers spying on your every move...

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Prank call your friends with this new method!

Hello readers I hope you are feeling great and all because if you aren't, you might want to try this out on one of your friends (perhaps to relieve stress?)...

This website is called Crazycall. Take a look at their website over here: Crazycall

I heard that there is also an iPhone app for this, so why not give it a try and search for it on iTunes?

This awesome website not only allows you to mask your caller id, but also allows you to mask your voice that makes it impossible for you friends to figure out who is calling them. Although be warned that ISD rates applies for the use of this script (ISD is an international rate, depending on your location charges may differ. The WHOIS record for the location where the number is given from is private).

First step: Select the country you are in. If you can't find your country in the list, too bad...
Second Step: Enter the caller id you would want to display. Do not modify the first two digits.
Third Step: Change your voice. Choose whichever pitch you want.
Lastly: Click on 'Get me a code'

Once you are done, they should present you with a number to dial from:
How to use crazycall
Your all in one instruction image.
Call the number and input the code when prompted. Then it should redirect you to your friend's number and scare the living daylights out of him, hehe.

I hope you liked this tutorial, share this with your friends and let them all try out. 
Tell us a reason why you would want to use this service in the comments below! I would love to hear from you.


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Activate window 7 product for free

Hello readers! I am going to share something new with you today! This is called Window 7 Loader eXtreme edition v3.503

Program Interface:

Window 7 Activator:

What this does is:

Activates all Windows 7 versions:
Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Starter, Basic, Home, etc.
Activates Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 R2 / 2008 - RTM / preRTM / Office 2010 

Supported editions: All
Back up your tokens.dat file if you must have a version other than Ultimate.
This activator is a 'Frankenbuild' Loader, meaning it swaps out files in order to activate. 

- Safer loader installation (than other activators)
- Activate any edition (without reducing default activation abilities)
- Trial Reset (get back 4 rearms and 30 days) 

You may download it here: Click Here
Like this post? Take a minute and share this with everyone! We will really appreciate it!

Monday, 5 November 2012

YouTube's new experimental design

Hello readers! This time I will be sharing YouTube's latest redesigns. Although it is still in experimental mode (I suppose that is alpha) it is still pretty cool to get a new refreshing design on YouTube.

The design itself is not bad since I only got to see the homepage. Not exactly an entire homepage revamp but there are still some minor changes which we can observe. Look at the photo below. Click to enlarge it.
YouTube's newest design

For example, look at the left panel. It has been switched to a 'only subscriber' panel. The trending videos or popular video tabs are gone. 

You will also notice that instead of the original black layout, it is a white background. The center panel is slightly wider. Presumably the left panel width has been shortened to allow more space for an excerpt and larger thumbnails to catch your attention. 

Same goes for the right panel, it has been lengthened on the width so the thumbnails will appear bigger than the original one.

Since it is only an experimental design, we cannot expect that this design will come out officially on YouTube. Google might even scrap it, for all you know and reintroduce a new interface.

For those whom would like to take a quick peek at this new homepage, feel free to check it out. 

How to check it out:
For Google Chrome: Open up the javascript console using ctrl+shift+j and paste the script below and click enter.
For Firefox: Ctrl+shift+k in order to open the javascript console
For Internet Explorer: F12 > Console

Script to change into Youtube's new design:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=nH7tBenIlCs; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

Return to normal using this script:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

Drop in your views on the new YouTube's homepage on the comment section below and tell us if you prefer the homepage you see now or the new one. (Or the old one when YouTube first comes out ;D)


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Scan for malicious content on a website before you visit them!

Nowadays loads of internet scams and viruses have taken on birth these days which is very sad. People in the old days can search for what they need or want without an antivirus program whatsoever. However, it is very different nowadays, websites and viruses are getting easier and cheaper to make and anyone with knowledge on coding can easily do this and what's worse they did it anonymously. So they can always create another site where they can distribute malicious code clean and free.

Now I would like to introduce to you a new website that allows you to scan for malicious content before you even enter the site. Highly recommended for those without any antivirus software.

Here is the link: http://www.urlvoid.com

With this you can now surf the internet freely and avoid URL's that spread malicious content.
All you need to do is to copy the URL link and paste it onto the website and click on 'Scan now' to scan for any malicious content.
Spread this post to your friends so they can be informed of this as well.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Google Front Page 'Hack'

Google Hack
Hello readers! How have you been lately? This time I will share with you one of Google's 'hack'. No we are not going to hack Google's database whatsoever. Their security is impossible to penetrate through. Rather, as the picture above implies, this little hack allows you to change the original 'Google' to to whatever you like. Like mine I have changed it to the name of my blog.

Pretty cool huh? You can try this in your school; if you dare :D

Here's how you do it:

1. First off you will need to install Mozilla Firefox. (If you already have installed it, skip to step 2)
If you want to download the latest Firefox beta version, click here

2.  Install Greasemonkey addon as well as My Own Google Text (Greasemonkey addon) on your firefox browser.

3. After you have done, head to google.com (only google.com will work) double click on the Google text and a prompt box will pop up.

4. Input your text and colour then click change.

5. The changes should be made and the Google's homepage will display whatever text you added.

I hope you will like what I have shared with you and share this with your friends.
Remember to g+1 this page if you liked it!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Turbobit + Extabit + AllDebrid Premium Account 22/10/2012 + Things to take note

Turbobit Premium Account: Click here to view

Extabit Premium Account: Click here to view

AllDebrid Premium Account: Click here to view

Before using these accounts, take NOTE:

  • Please DO NOT LOGOUT when using this cookies or javascript, otherwise it will not work. Just close the window will do.
  • When the original user uses the original account which is used to make an array of cracked account, all these cracked account will not work as it will cause a IP crash. (This applies to cracked accounts, javascript and cookies)                            
This is the reason why premium accounts are very unreliable and if you want to use it you will have to use it fast, otherwise it will not work.


Saturday, 20 October 2012

Remove Facebook Timeline! Click on to find out how

Hello wassup people! This time I will be writing about how to remove Facebook Timeline. Nope I am not trying to scam you. Just a quick tutorial on how to remove your Facebook Timeline. Lately there have been a lot of scams trying to get credentials from you. That is quite cruel but this time I will introduce to you something new called Timeline remove. It doesn't exactly remove your timeline to be honest with you. Once you disabled this extension you will find yourself back with a timeline page. So I suggest you recommend this to all of your friends so they too can view your profile page in the normal way

This is the safest and most secure way of 'removing' your Facebook timeline without having the need to give up on your credentials whatsoever. So this is how...

Step 1: Use the browser you used the most often, then head to this page: Timeline Remove
Step 2: Scroll down and choose your browser extension then click on it. As shown below:
Step 3: Install the extension onto your browser.
Once that is done, check your Facebook profile page. There should be no more timeline and replaced by the old way of presenting your post.

Remember to g+1 this page if you liked it!
Note: This will only work on your browser. Recommend this to your friends and install it on their browser so everything will look the same!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

4725 Proxy list 18/10/2012

Hello, and today I will be sharing some useful proxies for all of you.
Here is a small list of proxies:

Monday, 15 October 2012

Mozilla's new Metro-UI design

Hi and welcome to my next post this time I will be talking about the new version of Mozilla Firefox. Well, not really anyway. As you can see for yourself, this is Mozilla Metro Browser designed for Windows 8.

This new version features some new Metro style Firefox Start page, support for Firefox Sync, Metro touch and swipe gestures, integration with Windows 8 “charms”, and a simple but powerful Australis interface that is streamlined, modern, and beautiful.

If you have the current Windows 8 consumer preview installed, you should check out this new Mozilla metro design'. It is said that it will add more features, tightening up Windows integration, improving performance and responsiveness, and finishing up all the necessary work to deliver a first class Firefox experience for Windows 8.

This is the early release of Mozilla Metro beta and I agree that much more work is needed to be done to improve it.

Word of a metro version of Google Chrome is available and you can check it out over here.
If you are a windows 8 user and is willing to try out this new early release, visit this site over here and check out more information on Mozilla metro design and download.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post and if you liked it please share, Thanks!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

How content or videos go viral? (Case Study)

Hello, this time I will be talking about viral contents. I am pretty sure all of you understand by the term viral. Meaning something that spread like wildfire, totally unstoppable.

Viral videos, content, is based on the 4 factors above, to be more exact, one of the 4 factors. Well personally I only share funny videos but, there are many reasons as to why content or videos go viral.

Let look at some case study...

One direction, everyone knows One Direction, one direction is founded not so long ago on xFactor. Roughly about 1 years ago the song named 'What makes you beautiful' has caught on this the other part of the world from North America and it is going viral right now in this city. Almost everyone knows the song! However I don't entirely agree with this as Justin Bieber's music videos are much viral and catch on much faster than one direction. The only thing I can tell why he got so famous is probably his looks and some talent in voice???

Next example, watch this video:

So what has struck you in this video?
This topic is a little controversial, a little funny. This video is also regarding some issue with the girl for a particular singer called (err what again?) Jessica Sanchez. The dramatic reaction of this girl must have impacted quite a lot of Jessica fans no doubt.

So from these examples, what can you deduce?
- Amazing and spectacular does get you pretty far
- Unique songs that are nice for your ears to listen
- Dramatic
- Slightly bit of humor (I think..)
- Being rebellious for something (I think I can categorize it under controversial)

So, since my intention here today is just to describe about case study, we'll leave all the facts as to what contributes to something viral in the next post.

Hope you like this post! Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to receive the latest updates!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

JDownloader Premium Database 6/10/2012

Click here to download

How to use it:
1. Download JDownloader from here.
2. Copy This file "org.jdownloader.settings.AccountSettings.accounts.ejs " To your Installed jdownloader2 Directory In A Folder named " cfg " and replace the file.

That's all there is to it!
Enjoy and remember to g+1 this page if you liked it!

Friday, 5 October 2012

What exactly is SEO?

Hello, this time I will be talking about SEO. I have posting a lot of information on how to improve SEO but never really got a chance to cover it. So I'll be doing it now.

SEO is Search Engine Optimization and as the name implies, it is the art and technique in order to make your blog/website optimized for search engines so that they will want to list your blog/website higher on their searches.

So how does Search Engine Optimization works?
Unfortunately there is no definite answer to this, as Google, Yahoo and bing keeps the algorithms to themselves. A lot of people have tried to SEO their website and failed, a lot more have tried and succeeded, but what is lacking in this success is that they don't know how the search engine manage to find certain post they made found more easier than the other. 

As you have seen on the picture above, this is a mind map in general on what people think that made their website successful, especially company sites. They made use of Social networks which would encourage link baiting (I will talk about this someday) which will drive demand into their product. By doing so, it will increase their site rank and improve visibility.

But those aren't part of SEO. These are just methods to increase visibility of your blog/website and some people count them as SEO. Fair enough, they do increase your link count and MIGHT increase your website rank but even so just by that it will not effect much.

SEO are categorized into 2 broad category:
- Off-Site SEO - Uncontrollable
- In-Site SEO - Controllable

Then they are further categorized into 2 more broad groups:
- Black Hat SEO
- White Hat SEO

All these will be discussed at later and I hope that this post gives you a general idea on what is SEO.

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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Get free CyberGhost VPN 1 year premium

Hello readers! Today, I will be sharing with you on how to get one year free cyberghost premiums.
First step: Sign at CyberGhost over here: Click Here

Step 2: Download CyberGhost VPN from this link here

Step 3: Login to CyberGhost using the account you’ve created earlier. To change the language, simply click the UK flag located at the top-right most of the page.
4. Activate your serial number, enter this promotional code: cobiextra.

That's it! Enjoy your CyberGhost 1 year Premiums!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Who Is Hosting This?

Are you interested to find out who the website owner choose to host their servers at? Well, generally the reason why people want to find out who is behind the hosting of a particular website is because the fact that someone has stolen their content and they want to report it. There are also reasons as to why people look up on who helped to host this website:
  • Some people want to host waraz websites and by finding examples of host, they can be safe from USA's copyright policies such as DMCA etc..
  • They are finding suitable website hosting for their business niches.
  • Some people are just curious...
Well, these are the reasons why people will want to look up on who host a particular website. However, if you found this post, because of reason number 1 on the bullet point, this is not really encouraged as their servers might be slow for you. But if you found this post because of the main reason, we are here to help you. In fact, this company WhoIsHostingThis not only help you identify the website server host, but it also offer you services such as DMCA copyright takedown act for a price of $99 (Accurate as of this time of post) Click Here to see

So, how to you find a website server host?

Just add the domain name to the text box and click on search and it should display some results:
Who is Hosting this picture demo

That's all, if you like this post, take a minute or two to share this with your friends. We would really appreciate it!

Filevelocity + Extabit + AllDebrid Premium Account 25/9/2012

Filevelocity Premium Cookies
Click here to view

Extabit Premium Cookie
Click here to view

AllDebrid Premium Cookie
Click here to view

Remember to g+1 this blog if you liked it.

Note: Sorry for not posting premium accounts for a very long time as I am very busy during this season so thanks for your patience.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

How to access deleted images on Facebook

First before I tell you how to access deleted images, let me first tell you that before you try to upload any picture on Facebook, think twice as Facebook not only stores the photo on their own server but also on multiple servers as Facebook work on a Continent Distribution Network or known as CDN. Even if your Facebook image is deleted from Facebook's main server, the picture is still accessible on other servers. The picture, (as of now) will take 2.5 years for it to be completely removed from all the servers or 30 months.

How to access deleted photos:

Deleted photos can be simply accessed if you know URL of the image which has been deleted from the Facebook Server. 
  • Firstly, open Facebook image in New Tab which you want to delete.
  • Copy URL of the image from address bar and paste it in Notepad.
  • Now Right Click on it and select Copy Image URL and paste it in Notepad. (We will use this URL later)
  • Delete the Photo.
  • Now Paste the URL in the address bar which you copied in 2nd step. You will see an error message This Content is Currently Unavailable.
  • So now in order to access this photo, simply copy the image URL and paste it onto the address bar.
Simple, just get hold of the image URL and the photo can be accessed anywhere.
Like this post? Take a minute and share this with everyone! Subscribe to our blog for the latest updates!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

AllDebrid + Ryushare + Letitbit + Rapidshare Premium Cookie 16/9/2012

AllDebrid Premium Cookies
Click here to view

Ryushare Premium Accounts
Click here to view

Letitbit Premium Key
Click here to view

Rapidshare Premium Cookie
Click here to view

Remember to subscribe to this blog if you liked it!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

How to Increase your Broadband Speed!

Hello, this is XxRazex with another post on how to increase your broadband speed connection. This will probably work on Dial Up connections but not confirmed as I have not tested it it.

Follow the instructions below:
  1. Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".
  2. Start->Run->type gpedit.msc
  3. Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch.
  4. Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.
  5. Expand the "Network Branch".
  6. Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.
  7. In right window double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting.
  8. On setting tab check the "Enabled" item.
  9. Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0.
Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot. This is more of a "counter
what XP does" thing. In other words, programs can request up to 20% of the bandwidth be
reserved for them, even with QoS disabled.

By increasing the bandwidth transfer, your connection will be slightly faster. You might have reasons on limiting the reservable bandwidth, so this might not work for anyone. But you can always restore it to it's original settings if you don't like it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I will appreciate if you help me spread this site with people.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Ryushare + Depositfiles + AllDebrid + Share-Online Premium Accounts 12/9/2012

Ryushare Premium Account
Click here to view

Depositfiles Premium Cookie
Click here to view

AllDebrid Premium Account
Click here to view

Share-Online Premium Account
Click here to view

Remember to subscribe to us for more premium accounts!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

AllDebrid + Bayfiles + Letitbit Premium Account 11/9/2012

AllDebrid Premium Cookie
Click here to view

Bayfiles Premium Cookie
Click here to view

Letitbit Premium Key
Click here to view

Remember, if you like it please subscribe for more!

Ryushare + Hotfile + Extabit Premium Account 11/9/2012

Ryushare Premium Cookie
Click here to view

Hotfile Premium Account
Click here to view

Extabit Premium Cookie
Click here to view

There is a second part to this, so remember to check it out as well!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Online Backup providers

Readers, this time I will show you what is Online Backup providers, these days you cannot live without an Online backup simply because what if you lose your data on your computer?
So therefore you will need a Cloud Storage to store all your files online.

Here are two websites that review:

  1. Online Backup Review
  2. Top 10 Online Backup
Online backup is fast becoming a hige industry as it is predicted in the next 10 years every computer user will have some sort of online cloud storage, new laptops wont come with hard drives as all documents will be hosted online so they can always have access to all their files anywhere, anytime. You can share folders with friends family and colleagues and access your files from mobile devices.

Of course that is only a prediction. Here are some recommendations on the cloud storage services that you can use at home:
  • DropBox
  • CrashPlan
  • IDrive
  • BackBlaze (Cheap plans for unlimited storage)
You can Google search them for all these although I will recommend DropBox as it offers 2GB and by referring people to join dropbox, your storage limit will increase by 500MB and the limit is 16 GB, if you need more, just pay!

That's all for today's post, for more please subscribe to us and follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Enjoy!~

High Anonymous Proxies (449) + Proxies (5518) 10/9/2012

Hi, today I will be sharing some useful proxies for you. You can use them for bots or for some anonymous browsing. There will be two list that I will be sharing today which will be the high anonymous proxies.


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