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Friday, 30 November 2012

Who deleted you on Facebook?

"Hmm, lemme check my Facebook", I turned on my computer and check my profile page, "WTF? I lost one friend!!??", "But I have over 500 friends, how am I suppose to know who deleted me? Not like I can remember them all!!!".

Ever had such frustration? Where you have no idea who deleted you as friend but you have no idea at ALL as to who deleted you.

This website that I am going list below allow you to see who deleted you on Facebook as well as who added you as a friend recently.

Here is a photo of someone's else facebook account:

As for me luckily no one deleted me on Facebook (What a relieve). You can use this to track who deleted you and perhaps ask them why they deleted you?

Anyway, this is the website offering this service: Who Deleted Me?

I hope you liked this post and subscribe to us to receive more awesome (Self-proclamation) post like this. 

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Speed up your uTorrent Download speed!

Today, I will be introducing to you a new software that claims to boost your utorrent speed, I've tried it myself and I can't really tell the difference but for other's they claim that it works.

So I may as well share this with all of you and you can leave your comments below telling me if it works for you.

This is a screenshot of the program, all you need to do really is just to download the application and install it. After installation, open the program and click on the accelerate button to immediately increase the speed of your utorrent download. Yes, that is all there is to it.

Here is the link: uTorrent Turbo booster

I hope you enjoy this post and remember to comment here telling us if you liked this software and if it works for you. Thank you and have a great day ahead.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Remove Facebook Timeline + New Chat feature. (Alternative Way)

Hello once again! This time I will present to you an alternative way of removing your Facebook timeline and the new chat.

This is a quick looong Social Reviver settings:

1. Remove Facebook timeline. This will allow you to view your profile page without the timeline however, your friends will view your profile in timeline mode.You can also choose if you want to see the Timeline or the old profile for pages and profiles individually.

2. Old Facebook Chat function: This will mean you can only see your online friends, however with this extension will have extra features including limiting your availability to certain people.

3.There is also another experimental feature that allows you to hide the 'seen' message that when you read it, they will not know about it. However as stated this is an experimental feature and may not work as intended.

4. Stick the blue bar on top: So when you scroll down, the blue bar stick on the top. But this is useless now that Facebook has already implemented this feature already.

For Google Chrome Users, download it from here: SocialReviver

NOTE: There have recently been complains on copies of the extension so beware if you see multiple extension that performs the same action. It can be an act of phishing.
You can read about it here: Socialreviver Beware of copies

Enjoy and surf Facebook safely without phishers spying on your every move...

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Prank call your friends with this new method!

Hello readers I hope you are feeling great and all because if you aren't, you might want to try this out on one of your friends (perhaps to relieve stress?)...

This website is called Crazycall. Take a look at their website over here: Crazycall

I heard that there is also an iPhone app for this, so why not give it a try and search for it on iTunes?

This awesome website not only allows you to mask your caller id, but also allows you to mask your voice that makes it impossible for you friends to figure out who is calling them. Although be warned that ISD rates applies for the use of this script (ISD is an international rate, depending on your location charges may differ. The WHOIS record for the location where the number is given from is private).

First step: Select the country you are in. If you can't find your country in the list, too bad...
Second Step: Enter the caller id you would want to display. Do not modify the first two digits.
Third Step: Change your voice. Choose whichever pitch you want.
Lastly: Click on 'Get me a code'

Once you are done, they should present you with a number to dial from:
How to use crazycall
Your all in one instruction image.
Call the number and input the code when prompted. Then it should redirect you to your friend's number and scare the living daylights out of him, hehe.

I hope you liked this tutorial, share this with your friends and let them all try out. 
Tell us a reason why you would want to use this service in the comments below! I would love to hear from you.


Saturday, 10 November 2012

Activate window 7 product for free

Hello readers! I am going to share something new with you today! This is called Window 7 Loader eXtreme edition v3.503

Program Interface:

Window 7 Activator:

What this does is:

Activates all Windows 7 versions:
Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Starter, Basic, Home, etc.
Activates Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 R2 / 2008 - RTM / preRTM / Office 2010 

Supported editions: All
Back up your tokens.dat file if you must have a version other than Ultimate.
This activator is a 'Frankenbuild' Loader, meaning it swaps out files in order to activate. 

- Safer loader installation (than other activators)
- Activate any edition (without reducing default activation abilities)
- Trial Reset (get back 4 rearms and 30 days) 

You may download it here: Click Here
Like this post? Take a minute and share this with everyone! We will really appreciate it!

Monday, 5 November 2012

YouTube's new experimental design

Hello readers! This time I will be sharing YouTube's latest redesigns. Although it is still in experimental mode (I suppose that is alpha) it is still pretty cool to get a new refreshing design on YouTube.

The design itself is not bad since I only got to see the homepage. Not exactly an entire homepage revamp but there are still some minor changes which we can observe. Look at the photo below. Click to enlarge it.
YouTube's newest design

For example, look at the left panel. It has been switched to a 'only subscriber' panel. The trending videos or popular video tabs are gone. 

You will also notice that instead of the original black layout, it is a white background. The center panel is slightly wider. Presumably the left panel width has been shortened to allow more space for an excerpt and larger thumbnails to catch your attention. 

Same goes for the right panel, it has been lengthened on the width so the thumbnails will appear bigger than the original one.

Since it is only an experimental design, we cannot expect that this design will come out officially on YouTube. Google might even scrap it, for all you know and reintroduce a new interface.

For those whom would like to take a quick peek at this new homepage, feel free to check it out. 

How to check it out:
For Google Chrome: Open up the javascript console using ctrl+shift+j and paste the script below and click enter.
For Firefox: Ctrl+shift+k in order to open the javascript console
For Internet Explorer: F12 > Console

Script to change into Youtube's new design:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=nH7tBenIlCs; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

Return to normal using this script:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=; path=/; domain=.youtube.com";window.location.reload();

Drop in your views on the new YouTube's homepage on the comment section below and tell us if you prefer the homepage you see now or the new one. (Or the old one when YouTube first comes out ;D)



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